Tips to Shape Your Conversation on the First Date

Nowadays, dating is not what it used to be. We have come a long way from arranged meetings where family members would look for someone suitable for you from their circle of friends. Now you can hop on a dating site or your favourite social media network, and you could land your next date in a matter of minutes!
Technology has shaped how we interact with each other, and now you can reach people from all walks of life and different geographical regions, not just your hometown, school, or workplace. Nevertheless, computer talk can fool you to think that you are a dating guru, only to find yourself fumbling on the first real date.
When you meet someone on a dating site, you can assess some of their aspects. The latter includes how they look from their photos, where they went to school, what they do in life, their hobbies and interests, etc. Approaching people online is relatively easier than in real life because if you say hi and don't receive a reply, you shift to the next one with no one being the wiser.
But here you are — you have managed to break the ice with your crush, and they are even able to understand your jokes and laugh at them! You become addicted to flirting, and you both make time for each other, like during nights when you are done for the day. Now dating is in your hands, and you are about to go out on the first date…
How to Ace Your First Date Like a Pro
Once you have both agreed that a first date is in order, now this is your chance to impress so you can no longer be single. As such, you shouldn't leave anything to chance and appear like a clueless person. Planning ahead of time is key. Once you finally meet, play it cool and follow the below tips:
- Establish a connection from the start
- Start with the basics
- Take it a notch higher
- Proceed to life philosophies and deal-breakers
- Climax
Well, this is not a total stranger that you are sitting across from. It's someone you have been engaging with and having fun while at it, and that's why you are meeting in the first place. Make your date feel comfortable by complimenting them on their dress code or lightening the mood with some joke you both enjoy. You can even comment that they look way better than on the dating site.
By this time, the waiter will have found your table, and you can proceed to make your orders. You could strike a casual conversation about your date's preferences in food or drinks that rank high up on their list. You can also discuss the venue and why your date likes it or even talk about music and movies that spice up dating.
By now, your conversation is fun, and everyone is at ease. You could move on to more serious stuff like employment. You can inquire about what your date does for a living without being so direct. Ask your partner about the career they are pursuing and the challenges involved. You could also ask them about their family and siblings to understand their background, as these are important aspects of dating.
It's very important to understand a person's belief system before even considering dating. For instance, you may be a deeply religious person, but your sweet crush is an atheist. Alternatively, you may be addicted to pets, and your date can't stand animals. It's good to know whether they would want kids or not. If you are starting to like this person, it is better to know now than later.
If you already got to this stage without anyone walking away, that means that your dating flame is already burning. If you are both in high spirits and wish to take the date a notch higher, grab some drinks at your favorite bar or catch a movie. If not, plan on when you can both make time for the next date. Dropping your crush home would also be a great idea.
Major DON'Ts on Your First Date
Your first date is your chance to sell yourself. You have to avoid things like these:
- Asking them very direct questions like about how much salary they make
- Appearing like you are desperate to have sex on the first date
- Embarrassing yourself by ordering things that you cannot afford to pay for
- Being late or cancelling at the last minute